1806 NJ-35 Suite 209B, Oakhurst, NJ 07755
40.260575810614, -74.04195035528
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By Appointment: 9:30 am – 1:30 pm
By Appointment: 9:30 am – 1:30 pm
By Appointment: 9:30 am – 1:30 pm
By Appointment: 9:30 am – 1:30 pm
By Appointment: 9:30 am – 1:30 pm
By Appointment: 9:30 am – 1:30 pm
By Appointment: 9:30 am – 1:30 pm
Dr Gordon Lutchman Oakurst NJ
Gordon Lutchman, MD is medical director at Safe and Gentle Renewals
Dr. Lutchman has spent more than 30 years in hospital practice as a General and Vascular surgeon and is currently the director of Newark Vein and Vascular Center. In addition to his experience in surgical techniques in the operating room, Dr. Lutchman uses laser and radiofrequency technologies to treat various conditions such as wounds, varicose veins, skin damage and cellulite.
Dr. Lutchman has already established an outstanding reputation for laser tattoo removal in Monmouth County and now his office offers non-invasive techniques for body contouring, skin tightening and skin resurfacing.
Radiofrequency and Ultrasound technologies have been used for many years within the medical arena. Today, these technologies have been refined for treating aesthetic concerns such as wrinkles, fat pockets and cellulite. Dr. Lutchman is convinced that these techniques are an excellent option for those who want a non-invasive but effective way of improving the appearance and texture of skin.
Liz Lutchman / Co-Owner
Liz Lutchman is co-owner of Safe and Gentle Renewals and has been trained in the Ultrasound and Radiofrequency therapies being offered at Safe and Gentle Renewals. Liz is totally committed to helping clients to become their most beautiful selves and she has seen some remarkable results with these therapies.
Liz spent the early years of her career as a pharmacist in England. After doing a Master’s Degree in Nutritional Sciences at Rutgers University, she transitioned to a position as a Clinical Research Coordinator.
Ultrasound technology has been shown to be highly effective in destroying fat cells and repeated treatments can result in a re-contouring of the area. The technology works mainly by vibrating the fat cells until they break. The remnants are then naturally eliminated from the body. By repeating the process several times, a large enough number of fat cells will be destroyed, and the area becomes much more contoured. Ultrasound fat reduction is a non-invasive, pain free process which requires no down time.
By simultaneously reducing subcutaneous fat and heating the collagen fibers in the area, it is possible to diminish the appearance of cellulite. Heating the fatty tissue beneath the skin results in the destruction of fat as well as tightening of the overlying skin.
Radio Frequency (RF) treatment has been shown to be an effective tool for tightening loose or sagging skin. By heating the collagen fibers which support skin structure, RF therapy is able to tighten skin and give it a much smoother appearance. These treatments are safe, non-invasive and require no down time.
Please visit www.SafeAndGentleTattooRemoval.com for more information on laser tattoo removal
Education and Credentials Surgical Training & Experience
- Board Certified in Surgery in the USA and England
- General and Vascular Surgeon at 2 major teaching Hospitals in NY 1988-2011
- Office-based Laser Vein Surgeon Since 2011
- Professor and Chairman of Surgery at St Georges University 1991-2011
- Owner/Founder, Safe & Gentle Tattoo Removal
- Director of Newark Vein and Vascular Center
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